Wednesday 18 May 2016

Air bags Adrian Skowron #3

Every dy all over the world car accidants happen on dauly basis. The well know seatbelts are ther to protect us form the crash inpact but it just wasn’t enoughf to guarantee saefty of a driver as well as the passangers. Now cars are equiped  with front airbas as well as side airbags to protect the drivers form all sides regardles of where the car was hit. The concept of the airbag is basicaly a soft pillow to land against in a crash. This invention has been around for many years now but it is constantly improved to provide safety for every one including children, passengers in the front and back. The first concept was applied to airplanes which an inflatable was crash-landing device filed with air, during World War II. Then, in the 1980s, the first commercial airbags appeared in automobiles. [2]


So, let get more in to some technical stuff and how an airbag works. The airbags inflates when a car crash occurs while protecting the driver's head and body from hitting the steering wheel or other parts of the vehicle's interior. The invention of airbags reduces death crashes by 25% and reduces serious head injuries by over 60%.  


The airbag or the cushion is made of nylon material and folded in a specific way, allowing it to unfold quickly and safely during a crash. Vent holes on the back of the cushion ensure the occupant a soft landing into the bag. The airbag is hidden inside of the steering wheel of the driver while the passengers’ bag is hidden in the dashboard. [3]


1 comment:

  1. It is really good article and it will be helpful for a Engineering Students for final year projects to make a Embedded Projects Using Matlab
