Saturday 14 May 2016

Embedded Systems Development in Entertainment Systems. Jenny Ball #5

Embedded systems in cars aren't all about safety and performance. Embedded systems spreads across all arrays to provide top of the range entertainment systems on four wheels. The entertainment has moved far beyond tape players which people don't even know what to do with now a days. To on board top of the range sound systems, Cd players, DVD players, internet connection etc. and whats behind the brains of all of this? Embedded systems.


Entertainment systems have developed far beyond their simple tape players and are so dependent upon in today's society, people would find them more necessary than airbags. Tape players and even CD players have been replaced by large high quality touchscreens. The new Golf is an embedded system palace. With an 8" touchscreen radio with Bluetooth, built in GPS, and even a DVD player concealed in its glove box, all your missing is a kettle. 


Like the rest of the car, the entertainment system is controlled primarily through the ECU. This runs off a CANbus network. All entertainment devices in the car essentially communicate through this CANbus network. Although this has its benefits, it also requires for systems to be CANbus compatible in order to work correctly in the car. Therefore, makes it a little harder to upgrade older cars to modern entertainment systems. 

However, entertainment systems of all shapes and sizes are made possible through the use of embedded systems. The brains of the entertainment operation must have controllable equalization levels for bass, treble etc, dissipate the sound evenly through a number of selected high quality speakers, play and display in high resolution a DVD or downloaded movie etc, the list is endless. 

The use of embedded systems in cars has allowed us to travel with much more ease if that travel is with children, makes waiting times more bearable at the likes of docks, has improved the quality of music by having a selection of upgrade able speakers. With ever increasing choice of entertainment systems, cars can be upgraded or purchased to create it is technological as they like. 

1 comment:

  1. The Embedded Software Development Services in the automobile vehicles is very useful and with each technological update, the cars are progressing faster. Very kind of you to share these details here for our references.
